About Us

PastelWriter is the place where we share interesting and trending selections of film and books stories.

The name "PastelWriter" originated from the type of writer we are. Writers who are colourful writer are vibrant and outspoken in their expressions, but we are a bit different. We're more toned down and soft like pastel colors. But that doesn't mean we've lost all our colors!

Now let us introduce ourselves a bit so you know who we are! :))

This is Thunjira Trakransittikul who's responsible of the web design. 

She's more of a film person than a book lover. The reason for that is when she watches a movie, she feels as if she's away in another world, experiencing another story. She's a very versatile and multi-dimensional person who shares a similar interest in films with me!


And this is me, Kirana Kittikoonthana, the content provider. 

Apart from film that moves me, books are certainly another passion of mine. I loveeeee the way a good book gives room for imagination. I am no outgoing person. I'm a true bookworm and film-lover. There's nothing that I love to do more than to cuddle in bed and read a good book or two, or curl up on the sofa watching movies. 

So, do come and enjoy a variety of stories about books and films together with us!



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